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Orders are shipped from our warehouse in the bonded area Shenzhen, China.
Warehouse opening hours: Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST.

Orders placed before 12:00 p.m. (mid-day) will be processed and shipped out the same day. Orders placed after 12:00 p.m. will be processed and shipped out in the next business day. Once your package has been processed, it is ready for shipment and you will receive a shipping confirmation email confirming the number of days the shipping carrier needs to deliver your package.

Below you will find an estimate of the number of working days (Mon-Fri) required to ship our products to you. This estimate starts from the moment you receive the shipping confirmation email with your tracking number. Delivery time depends on the delivery location and we will be able to deliver the shipment to most major metropolitan areas within the estimated range, however, to other areas (remote location), in very rare occasions, it could take up to 3 weeks to deliver the products.

There will not be any additional charges as orders are shipped according to Incoterm Delivered Duty Paid (DDP). This means that we collect and pay any import duties that may be charged in designated country of delivery. Any additional import charges will be covered by us for custom clearing in order to deliver your package. Please contact us through the chat or contact form for more information if you are unsure what this means to you.
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2 - 7 business days.
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2 - 7 business days.
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Of course you can return your Urbanears product if you are unhappy. We offer a 30 day return policy to all our customers.

When exercising your right of withdrawal, you as the customer are responsible for the return shipping. The cost of the item will be reimbursed from us.

Read more about our Return policy here.
Your security is important for us. All transactions on this website are processed using Adyen, a secure online payment gateway that encrypts your card details in a secure host environment.

Adyen is fully PCI Level 1 (the highest level) compliant and monitored by Trustwave, an ASV and a QSA for the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. This means we hold to the highest industry standards for data protection and network security, and card data is safe with us.
Read about our Terms of purchase policy here
E-waste Day - Hero banner
E-waste Day - Hero banner






Let's take a moment to think about how we can be better at safely recycling our electronic waste.

In 2019, the UN calculated that the world generated 53.6 Mt of e-waste – this translates to an average of 7.3 kg per person. According to the same study only 17% of global e-waste is documented to be recycled in environmentally sound facilities. So, what happens to the rest? Well, It ends up in bins, where it poses a big safety and environmental hazard, or it is stockpiled in drawers. You probably have your own little box of old devices, or mismatched cables that you kick into the cupboard when you have people round. Not only is this a messy safety hazard that takes up space, but did you know that you sit on a lot of unused value and precious resources! Raw materials (iron, gold, copper, etc.) locked in global e-waste represent a value of $47.6 billion USD (basically Tunisia’s GDP value 2021).

Don’t worry if this is the first time you’ve thought about recycling your old electronics —you’re far from alone! Please join us in an effort to recycle those small electronic devices that you no longer use but keep in drawers and cupboards. Not only will it de-clutter your space but it will do the planet a solid as well!

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E-waste Day - banner 02

If you are unsure how to recycle, read below:

— Contact your local council to find e-waste collection points in your area — there are many municipal collection facilities

— Check your local supermarket or apartment building for dedicated e-waste containers

— Go to your local home appliance store, in the EU, retailers distributing Electrical and Electronic Equipment are required to offer in-store take back

— Check online for the closest solution

In 2022 Urbanears have taken the first steps on its journey towards a better sounding future (with many more steps still to be taken, we know). This is what has been done so far:

1. We work hard to make our products last longer and only design products that people love to use. Our newest products, Boo and Boo Tip come with eco-charging — a technology that prolongs the lifetime of the battery.

2. We’ve figured out that most people have at least one charging cable hanging around their house and more than half of people we asked said they do not need another one. So in 2022 we decided to stop including charging cables in the headphone box. This small change has cut the carbon footprint of Boo and Boo Tip by an estimated 3%! Don’t worry, if you need one, all you have to do is ask.

3. We are registered at local authorities and member of designated take-back collection system in applicable EU member states (WEEE). The fees paid cover the costs for collection, treatment and reuse or disposal of the product, battery and packaging in an environmentally sound way.