Orders are shipped from our warehouse in the bonded area Shenzhen, China.
Warehouse opening hours: Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST.
Orders placed before 12:00 p.m. (mid-day) will be processed and shipped out the same day. Orders placed after 12:00 p.m. will be processed and shipped out in the next business day. Once your package has been processed, it is ready for shipment and you will receive a shipping confirmation email confirming the number of days the shipping carrier needs to deliver your package.
Below you will find an estimate of the number of working days (Mon-Fri) required to ship our products to you. This estimate starts from the moment you receive the shipping confirmation email with your tracking number. Delivery time depends on the delivery location and we will be able to deliver the shipment to most major metropolitan areas within the estimated range, however, to other areas (remote location), in very rare occasions, it could take up to 3 weeks to deliver the products.
There will not be any additional charges as orders are shipped according to Incoterm Delivered Duty Paid (DDP). This means that we collect and pay any import duties that may be charged in designated country of delivery. Any additional import charges will be covered by us for custom clearing in order to deliver your package. Please contact us through the chat or contact form for more information if you are unsure what this means to you.
2 - 7 business days.
3-5 business days
Free Shipping From
75 USD