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stories - NTS cover image


DJing sits somewhere between art and science, a craft honed over years requiring hard work and the and the right tools.

To celebrate the return of URBANEARS legendary ZINKEN headphones, we partnered up with is a global music platform and radio station NTS to to profile DJs Marcel Dettmann, Moxie and Fauzia.

"The club has a huge influence on how I create my set list: are the ceilings low? will it be a sweatbox?" - Moxie

We explored the each of the revered DJs inspirations and creative processes, recognising that their ZINKEN headphones aren’t just a tool for music creation – they’re an outlet for self expression on their musical journey.

"All I need is my eyes, my ears, my music and a good soundsystem" - Marcel Dettman

ZINKEN is the perfect accompaniment in the DJ booth or on the street. The tough on-ear headphones offer well-balanced ,loud and clear sound . With the included reversible TurnCable™ there's no need to worry about adaptors whilst the flexible construction feels comfy no matter how long your set – or how far you travel.

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